Subclass of CIM_StatisticsService
A subclass of StatisticsService that provides services for filtering and retrieving statistics from a StatisticsManifestCollection that contains instances of BlockStatisticalData.
uint32 RemoveManifests (CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection, CIM_BlockStatisticsManifest[] Manifests)
Extrinsic method that removes manifests from a BlockStatisticsManifestCollection.
ValueMap Values 0 Success 1 Not Supported 2 Unknown 3 Timeout 4 Failed 5 Invalid Parameter Method Reserved 4096 Manifest not found 4097..32767 Method Reserved 32768..65535 Vendor Specific Parameters
- IN CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection
- BlockStatisticsManifestCollection from which the BlockStatisticsManifests will be removed.
- IN CIM_BlockStatisticsManifest[] Manifests
- List of BlockStatisticsManifests to be removed from the BlockStatisticsManifestCollection.
uint32 GetStatisticsCollection (CIM_ConcreteJob Job, uint16[] ElementTypes, CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection, uint16 StatisticsFormat, string[] Statistics)
Retrieves statistics in a well-defined bulk format. The collection of statistics returned is determined by the list of element types passed in to the method and the manifests for those types contained in the supplied BlockStatisticsManifestCollection. If both the Elements and BlockStatisticsManifestCollection parameters are supplied, then the types of elements returned is an intersection of the element types listed in the Elements parameter and the types for which BlockStatisticsManifest instances exist in the supplied BlockStatisticsManifestCollection. The statistics are returned through a well-defined array of strings, whose format is specified by the StatisticsFormat parameter, that can be parsed to retrieve the desired statistics as well as limited information about the elements that those metrics describe.
ValueMap Values 0 Job Completed with No Error 1 Not Supported 2 Unknown 3 Timeout 4 Failed 5 Invalid Parameter Method Reserved 4096 Method Parameters Checked - Job Started 4097 Element Not Supported 4098 Statistics Format Not Supported 4099..32767 Method Reserved 32768..65535 Vendor Specific Parameters
- OUT CIM_ConcreteJob Job
- Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).
- IN uint16[] ElementTypes
Element types for which statistics should be returned. If not supplied (i.e. parameter is null) this parameter is not considered when filtering the instances of StatisticalData that will populate the Statistics output parameter. If the array is not null, but is empty, then no statistics will be returned by this method. A client SHOULD NOT specify this parameter if it is not meaningful (i.e. the service only provides statistics for a single type of element).
ValueMap Values 2 Computer System 3 Front-end Computer System 4 Peer Computer System 5 Back-end Computer System 6 Front-end Port 7 Back-end Port 8 Volume 9 Extent 10 Disk Drive 11 Arbitrary LUs 12 Remote Replica Group DMTF Reserved 0x8000.. Vendor Specific - IN CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection
- The BlockStatisticsManifestCollection that contains the manifests that list the metrics to be returned for each element type. If not supplied (i.e. parameter is null), then all available statistics will be returned unfiltered. Only elements that match the element type properties (if meaningful) of the BlockStatisticsManifest instances contained within the BlockStatisticsManifestCollection will have data returned by this method. If the supplied BlockStatisticsManifestCollection does not contain any BlockStatisticsManifest instances, then no statistics will be returned by this method.
- IN uint16 StatisticsFormat
Specifies the format of the Statistics output parameter.
- CSV = Comma Separated Values.
ValueMap Values 0 Unknown 1 Other 2 CSV DMTF Reserved 0x8000.. Vendor Specific - OUT string[] Statistics
- The statistics for all the elements as determined by the Elements, ManifestCollection parameters, and StatisticsFormat parameters.
uint32 AddOrModifyManifest (CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection, uint16 ElementType, string ElementName, string[] StatisticsList, CIM_BlockStatisticsManifest Manifest)
Method that creates or modifies a BlockStatisticsManifest for this statistics service. A client supplies a BlockStatisticsManifestCollection in which the new BlockStatisticsManifest will be placed or an existing BlockStatisticsManifest will be modified, the element type of the statistics that the BlockStatisticsManifest will filter, and a list of metrics, which serves as a filter for statistical data of that element type.
ValueMap Values 0 Success 1 Not Supported 2 Unknown 3 Timeout 4 Failed 5 Invalid Parameter Method Reserved 4096 Element Not Supported 4097 Metric not supported 4098 ElementType Parameter Missing 4099..32767 Method Reserved 32768..65535 Vendor Specific Parameters
- IN CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection
- BlockStatisticsManifestCollection that the BlockStatisticsManifest is or should be a member of.
- IN uint16 ElementType
The type of elements whose statistics the BlockStatisticsManifest will filter.
ValueMap Values 2 Computer System 3 Front-end Computer System 4 Peer Computer System 5 Back-end Computer System 6 Front-end Port 7 Back-end Port 8 Volume 9 Extent 10 Disk Drive 11 Arbitrary LUs 12 Remote Replica Group DMTF Reserved 0x8000.. Vendor Specific - IN string ElementName
- A client-defined string that identifies the BlockStatisticsManifest created or modified by this method.
- IN string[] StatisticsList
- The metrics that will be included by the filter. The metrics supplied here are the properties of CIM_StatisticalData or one of its subclasses that will remain after the BlockStatisticsManifest filter is applied.
- OUT CIM_BlockStatisticsManifest Manifest
- The BlockStatisticsManifest that is created or modified on successful execution of the method.
uint32 CreateManifestCollection (CIM_StatisticsCollection Statistics, string ElementName, CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection)
Creates a new BlockStatisticsManifestCollection instance, whose members can serve as a filter for metrics retrieved through the GetStatisticsCollection method.
ValueMap Values 0 Ok 1 Not Supported 2 Unknown 3 Timeout 4 Failed 5 Invalid Parameter 6..32767 Method Reserved 32768..65535 Vendor Specific Parameters
- IN CIM_StatisticsCollection Statistics
- The collection of statistics that will be filtered using the new BlockStatisticsManifestCollection.
- IN string ElementName
- Client-defined name for the new BlockStatisticsManifestCollection.
- OUT CIM_BlockStatisticsManifestCollection ManifestCollection
- Reference to the new BlockStatisticsManifestCollection.