SMI-S File Storage Profile

This profile is fully implemented. See the next chapter for its usage and mapping to LMI_ classes.

SMI-S Filesystem Profile

OpenLMI-Storage implements the Filesystem Profile with these adjustments:

  • Local Access is not implemented, we use LMI_MountService to mount local filesystems:
    • SMI-S expects that one filesystem can be mounted only once using Local Access, which is not true on Linux, we might mount one filesystem multiple times.
    • Mounting a filesystem is totally different operation to creating/modifying of a filesystem, these two functions should be separated. Therefore we introduce LMI_MountService to mount various filesystems.
  • Directory Services are not implemented.


All mandatory classes and methods are implemented.


Implemented SMI-S classes:

Not implemented classes:

  • `CIM_FileStorage
  • SNIA_LocalAccessAvailable
  • SNIA_LocalFileSystem
  • SNIA_LocallyAccessibleFileSystemSetting
  • and all related references.


There are no methods in this profile.


Mandatory indications are not implemented.

Blivet does not provide such functionality and it would be very CPU-intensive to periodically scan for modified filesystems.

SMI-S Filesystem Manipulation Profile

OpenLMI-Storage implements the Filesystem Profile with these adjustments:

  • Local Access is not implemented, we use LMI_MountService to mount local filesystems:
    • SMI-S expects that one filesystem can be mounted only once using Local Access, which is not true on Linux, we might mount one filesystem multiple times.
    • Mounting a filesystem is totally different operation to creating/modifying of a filesystem, these two functions should be separated.
  • Directory Services are not implemented.


SNIA-specific classes and methods (with SNIA_ prefix) are not implemented to avoid any copyright problems - SNIA MOF files have a license which does not allow us to implement it in open source project.

We implement our LMI_ counterparts, inspired by CIM_StorageService and CIM_StorageSetting. The major difference to CIM_ and SNIA_FileSystemConfigurationService is that all methods accepts a Setting argument as reference and not as embedded instance to match the rest of the methods (mainly in Block Services profile).


Implemented SMI-S classes:

Not implemented classes:

  • SNIA_FileSystemCapabilities
  • SNIA_FileSystemConfigurationCapabilities
  • SNIA_FileSystemConfigurationService
  • SNIA_FileSystemSetting
  • SNIA_LocalFileSystem
  • SNIA_LocalAccessAvailable
  • SNIA_LocallyAccessibleFileSystemCapabilities
  • SNIA_LocallyAccessibleFileSystemSetting
  • and all related references.



  • LMI_CreateSetting
  • LMI-CreateFileSystem
    • Similar to plain CIM CreateFileSystem, with these modifications:
      • Goal parameters is passed as reference and not as embedded instance, i.e. all LMI_FileSystemSetting instances reside on server and are created using LMI_CreateSetting
      • Multiple extents can be passed in InExtents parameter. The method then creates one filesystem on multiple devices. Currently only btrfs supports this behavior, other filesystems can be created only on one device.
  • DeleteFileSystem

Not implemented:


Mandatory indications are not implemented.

Blivet does not provide such functionality and it would be very CPU-intensive to periodically scan for modified filesystems.